YouTube Flip

What have you learned from YouTube?

Play #1 - Learned on YouTube

Share a link to a video on YouTube that where you learned something you didn't already know.

Gettin' Flippy with YouTube

Advanced Playlist Options

Tracking and Feedback

1. Analogue - Pen and Paper “Note-takers”

Order of Operations Video - by Chris Raymaakers

Order of Operations Note-taker

2. Digital - Embed Quiz with Video

Now in Google Forms!!!

3. Ted-Ed Flipping

Example Lesson - Average Speed

The TED-Ed Tour Lesson

Flip ANY YouTube Video

Play #2Take a moment to browse TED-Ed by subject area or by series. Click through the “Quick Quizzes”, “Think” and “Dig Deeper” activities. Bookmark any that look relevant to your teaching so that you can come back later and watch the video.


With annotations you can layer text, links, and hotspots over your video. You can add information, interactivity and engagement.

Examples and Uses


Chrome Extension: Snag It

How To Make an Educational Screencast

Quick Screen Recording Tutorial for Mac Users

Other YouTube Tools that could help with Flipping the Classroom

Web Cam Capture

Use Your "One Channel" to Organize Content

Components of your One Channel (YouTube Help's Playlist)

Play #3 Where do you want to go now?Option 1: Create a Google Form and embed a video in it. Come up with questions that you'd like students to answer.

Option 2. Install the Chrome Extension for SnagIt. Try your hand at creating a quick tutorial and posting it to YouTube.

Option 3. Start getting that channel of yours organized to deliver the content your students need to see.